Or maybe not.  She is going to play in Malaysia.  The Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party is protesting this concert because of how she dresses and dances.

Looks like the solution is to cover herself for the concert.  As long as she doesn’t reveal too much skin she can get up on stage and sing about grinding on strange men in clubs to an audience of fundamentalist Muslims.

Remember how Muslims offered a million dollars to anybody who killed that Danish cartoonist who drew Muhammad?  ‘member that? That furor started in Indonesia.  Danish Muslims went to Indonesia with the cartoons in order to create mayhem over the whole thing.  They knew the Indonesians would flip out.

Indonesia is also the country Beyonce chose OVER Malaysia in 2007 because the Indonesians were more laid back.

Whatever.  I’m sure it will be fine.

Is she wears a full, Afghan chadri and stands perfectly still while singing about telling her man to kiss her empowered ass, I can’t see any problems.

Beyonce's new onstage outfit

Beyonce's new onstage outfit

In fact, she could really just have a stage hand stand in the chadri, play her album on the speakers and take the night off.